Fun facts about me 

January 10, 2022, 13:52:04
Fun facts about me 

When you meet someone for the first time, you can feel awkward and nervous sometimes. And here, the best way to clear the air and take the conversation to a new level is by telling some fun facts about yourself. Although some points cannot seem so funny at first glance, they contain some interesting details that we can share during the first meeting.

It is very important to put yourself into the shoes of other people and consider their reactions, before actually sharing any weird or silly fact. Most of the time it is enough just to share your profession and where you are living now. The first things like that tell other people you are normal and not weird.

So, what are these fun facts that we can share about ourselves? Let's find out:

  • Telling where you can go right now if you can: Travelling is one of the most preferred and spirited themes for conversations. People like to tell stories about the places they've already been or want to go to in the future. So, if you feel that the conversation does not work, share with your talker the place you would like to go.
  • Sharing the things you're allergic to: Many people suffer from allergies during their whole life; that's why this can work during the conversation. Maybe, your interlocutor does not have any allergy, but this theme can revive your talk.
  • Your favorite meal: Sharing the things you like can serve as an excellent instrument for animating the discussion. Especially when it comes to favorite meals, often, there are cases when discussing favorite dishes that can lead to dinner invitation (and it refers not only to business).
  • Telling about your favorite ice cream: Maybe, there's nobody who doesn't like ice cream. Everyone prefers some ice-cream taste, so discussing this can make your conversation interesting.
  • Discussing the drinks you prefer: For those who don't like discussing food, we recommend sharing the drinks you like. This question helps you know your interlocutor better.
  • The last song you've streamed on Spotify, Apple Music, or Amazon: Probably, there's nothing like music that can touch the deepest of our hearts. So, take a look at your Apple Music, Spotify, or Amazon playlist and share the last song you've streamed. It can truly interest your talker and make him engage in discussion.
  • Guilty pleasure TV show, movie, or cartoon: We bravely share our favorite movies and shows, but there are some favorites that we hide from everyone. Telling about the guilty pleasure movie, TV show, or cartoon can indeed animate the conversation and give it a funny note.
  • The languages you speak: Telling about the languages you know also serves as one of the great ways to present fun facts about yourself. Moreover, it also works great in the context of getting to know you well as a person.
  • Your favorite childhood memories: Children often have a great sense of imagination and creativity. And for this reason, it can be interesting to hear about your favorite childhood memories.
  • Saying something from the heart that you really want to tell someone! This is one way that will definitely draw attention from people you are talking with. It makes sense to look at the life experiences and things that make us happy in our lives and think about what we would like to tell someone, even without thinking about whom specifically we would say these words.
  • Telling why you choose your profession: Telling why you have chosen this profession over other ones can be a very funny fact indeed because not everyone has clear goals and objectives.
  • Something that makes you unique: When you tell something that makes you different from others, this allows you to attract attention from people who might be interested in your story and what it is right now too.
  • Telling about the most beautiful or impressive places where you've been: Telling about the place where someone would like to visit can serve as a great conversation starter. Besides, it helps to know this person better.
  • Talking about a book or a movie that changed your life: Everyone has their own favorite book or movie which made a strong impression on them and changed their lives for the better.
  • Your strange talent: It can also serve as a fun fact that can clear the air. But before speaking about it, you need to ensure that it's appropriate.
  • Telling about your pets: The pets take one of the most important places in our lives. So, telling about them can also revive your conversation. Even though you do not have a pet now, you can remember the pet you had in the past.
  • Sharing the best-ever place you've been: We've already mentioned that people like to discuss their travels. So, share the best-ever place you've been once and explain why you consider it so.
  • Tell about who you've wanted to be in your childhood: It's one the funniest facts to discuss during the first meeting. This fact can cause a snappy talk about how your child's dreams correspond to your present.
  • Naming your nicknames on social media: There's one thing about this fact – It's appropriate only on condition if you have such a nickname you can easily speak about.
  • What is your #1 dream on your wish list?: All of us have the things we want to do firstly – going to the concert of our favorite band, traveling to some exotic country, whatever. Choose one dream from your wish list and use it as a fun fact at the first meeting.
  • Imagine that you've won a lottery that gives a lifetime supply of everything you've ever wanted – what would you choose?: This amusing question reveals our preferences and values. And it also serves as a great way to start the conversation.
  • Sharing amusing memories from childhood: All of us had funny situations in childhood. So, you can easily use them as fun facts. But do not tell a very long story so as not to make your interlocutor feel tired.
  • Tell about your goal for a year: We all set the purposes. It's a standard feature for all of us. So, sharing the goal for a year aims not to decrease the level of awkwardness but also to make you responsible for completing it.
  • What are the most embarrassing things that you've had in your life?: Sometimes in our lives, we have some moments that cause some embarrassment. But in some time, these moments turn into fun memories. And they can serve as a great method to revive the conversation.
  • For what things have your schoolmates known you?: If you look back at your school years, you'll always find something funny there. It can also serve as a fun fact you can tell about during the first meeting.
  • Telling about the professional career you've almost had: Probably, you've had a choice when deciding what professional career to choose. So, sharing the job that you've practically had can serve as an amusing fact that can significantly animate and develop the discussion.
  • Telling about the role of your life: Life is full of roles. So, asking the interlocutor what role he has in his life can serve as a fun fact that will make you closer to him while animating and developing your discussion.
  • Telling about your most embarrassing act on stage: Stage fright is not only connected with acting but also connected with different performances, for example, playing guitar or singing karaoke. If this one was made by you too, then it's better to keep it secret...
  • Sharing what musical instruments you can play. This fact is very important if you're interested in music. So, it converges well with your interlocutor and makes the discussion more interesting.
  • Sharing some facts about where you were born or what city you've lived in: We all had a few places that we'd dreamed to visit while being young. So, sharing where you were born can serve as a fun fact during the first date. It will not only be reviving the conversation but also give some clues about these facts for further development of your communication.
  • If you've ever had an imaginary friend, tell us about him/her.: This fun fact has many purposes because this daydreaming factor reveals something about a person's mentality even though it might be a kid's game. But this story will get the interlocutor involved too so it will help to get closer and develop your conversation.
  • Telling about your favorite quote.: If you have some favorite saying, proverb, or quotation from a famous person, then sharing this one can serve as a great way to revive your discussion because everyone has some saying that they frequently use in their life. It will also show you're a well-educated person who values quotations and proverbs which - eventually - makes your interlocutor respect you more.
  • What are you afraid of the most?: Telling about your fears can not only bring some fun notes into the conversation – but it can also present you as an ordinary human being who also has something to be afraid of.
  • Revealing the strangest secret hobby. This one is peculiar. It's about some people who have some strange hobby which will not be interesting for the interlocutor but it can provoke him to tell his own secret hobby.
  • What are your most important memories?: This topic changes the pace of your discussion because very often, we try to avoid this mutual type of questions that do not favor anything except making you feel embarrassed. But if you're confident enough, then sharing what are your most important memories can serve as a great way to revive and develop your conversation with an interesting person who - possibly – also has something special in his life.
  • What superstar would you invite on a date? This fun fact is just for entertainment. The best thing about it is that you can also take part in this imaginary game to answer this question yourself which will be very interesting for the interlocutor.
  • What are your favorite hobbies?: We all have some favorite activities that make our life more attractive and fun to do, so sharing your favorite hobby can serve as a great way to revive the conversation but also show what interesting things you're doing during your free time.
  • If you could be any animal, which one would you choose?: Sharing what animal characteristics are the most important for you serves - probably – as a tool to develop your discussion because people usually choose animals that they consider themselves similar to.
  • If you win the lottery, what's the first thing you would buy?

    As you see, the list is long. And it can be hard to choose what fun fact about yourself to share. When selecting the most appropriate one, you consider the following:

  • It should relate to your personal life
  • You quickly share it
  • It should be suitable for the situation
  • It should not defer from the general subject of your date's interest

Finally, you should be careful not to share any personal information that could embarrass or irritate your interlocutor. Every person has secrets and skeletons in the closet so try to keep yours!