Letter of recommendation for a friend: tips and examples

April 02, 2022, 13:52:26
Letter of recommendation for a friend: tips and examples

Choose someone who will be able to write a positive letter on your behalf. If you're having trouble finding a recommender, don't be afraid to ask your professors or supervisors?

How do you write a letter of reference for someone else?

Ask the reader to write you a letter of recommendation. Assist the reader in recalling how he or she knows you (e.g., as a worker, classmate, or student). Mention when your relationship began. Describe the position for which you are applying.

Dear ____,

I am writing to ask if you would be willing to write me a letter of recommendation. I am applying for a position as _____ and it would be very helpful to have a letter from someone who knows me well. I have been acquainted with you since _____ and I have always been impressed by your ______. I hope that you are able to write something positive about my skills and abilities. Thank you for your time and consideration.



Any letter of recommendation should include specific examples of why the person is being recommended. When you are asking someone to write a letter on your behalf, make sure to give them as much information as possible. This will help them write a more effective letter. Make sure to provide:

  1. The name of the position you are applying for
  2. The dates when you have known the recommender
  3. A brief description of your relationship
  4. What do you think they could say about you that would be helpful to your application?
  5. Any other information that might be helpful, such as your resume or the job listing.

What should you include in the recommendation?

Any letter of recommendation should begin with the name and contact information of the person you are recommending followed by your position or relationship to that person. Next, list the specific reasons why you think this person is worthy of the opportunity they are applying for. Try to provide concrete examples that demonstrate their skills and qualities.

Including the following information in your recommendation letter will assist your friend in distinguishing themselves to a possible employer:

Potential (The initial step in working with a professional school admissions counselor is to determine your goals). You should include your academic and career goals.

Experience (The second step in working with a professional school admissions counselor is to have them review your experience). You should list your work experience, leadership experience, and community-service involvement.

Attributes (The third step in working with a professional school admissions counselor is to understand your attributes). You should list your strengths, weaknesses, and the skills you have developed.

Dependability (The fourth step in working with a professional school admissions counselor is to ensure they know your level of dependability). You should list how you handle stress, work independently, and take direction.

Consistency (The fifth step in working with a professional school admissions counselor is to ensure they know your academic record). You should list your GPA, class rank, and test scores.

Recommendation (The sixth step in working with a professional school admissions counselor is for them to write the recommendation on your behalf). You should list the position you are applying for and the contact information of the person who will be writing the letter.

Persistence (The seventh step in working with a professional school admissions counselor is to ensure that they know your level of commitment). You should list your activities during the summer, any job or internship you have held, and what college you will be attending in the fall.

Character (The eighth step in working with a professional school admissions counselor is to ensure they know your character). You should list any awards or accolades you have received, your involvement in campus organizations, and your letters of recommendation.

How long will you write a recommendation letter?

The letter of recommendation should not exceed two pages in length. Although a recommendation letter is more focused on quality than quantity, a letter with just a few lines is not advised.

A letter of recommendation should be no more than 400 words and should present your character, accomplishments, and skills from a neutral standpoint. A "letter of reference" is frequently given to you directly by the referee, which you may keep for future reference.

When you are writing a letter of recommendation for a friend, it is important to make sure that you focus on the person's strengths and abilities. You do not need to mention everything that your friend has done, but highlighting specific accomplishments or traits will help to sell your friend to the reader.

Start by introducing your friend and stating why you are writing the letter. If you have worked with your friend in a professional setting, be sure to mention that as well. Briefly describe the qualities or skills that make your friend the best candidate for the position, and include examples to back up your statements.

End the letter by wishing your friend luck and thanking the reader for their time.

How do you give a good recommendation letter for a friend?

If you agree to give a reference, keep the following hints in mind.

The first thing is to write the factual information. People may disagree on various issues, such as personal squabbles. Stick to what you know and experienced. Then, reflect on how you know the person. What kind of friends are they? What makes them a good person? Are they reliable? How do they make you feel?

Make the praise of your friend personal, rather than generic. Phrases such as "I highly recommend this person" may make the letter sound less believable. Try to think of specific instances where your friend has demonstrated the qualities you are mentioning.

You should always mention specific tasks and/or projects that your friend has completed successfully. This will show the hiring manager that they have the skills required for the job. Don`t write about the weak sides of your friend, or mention only those that have no relevance to the current issue. It will only make them look bad.

When you are asked to provide a reference for a friend, it is important to take some time to think about what you want to say. The first step is to write down the factual information- this includes their name, contact information, as well as dates of employment or education. Be aware that people may have different opinions on personal issues, so stick to what you know.

Next, reflect on how you know your friend. What kind of person are they? What makes them a good employee or student? Are they reliable? How do they make you feel? Try to make your praise personal, rather than generic. Here are 2 examples:

1) Dear (Name),

I am writing this letter to enthusiastically recommend my friend (name). I have known (him/her) for many years and can attest that (he/she) is an excellent individual in every sense of the word.

(He/She) has always been reliable and responsible, making me feel comfortable entrusting (him/her) with important tasks. (He/She) is also someone who is easy to get along with- I have never heard (him/her) complain, and (he/she) always has a positive attitude. In my opinion, these are the perfect qualities for any position.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (phone number).

Thank you for your time,

(Your name)

2) Dear Hiring Manager,

I am writing to provide a reference for my friend John Doe. I have known John for 10 years, and during that time I have found him to be an honest, hardworking and dependable individual. He is always willing to lend a helping hand, whether it is on a work project or simply helping out a neighbor.

John has great skills when it comes to teamwork. I have worked with him on many occasions, and he always puts the team's success before his own. I am confident that he would be an asset to your team.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 555-555-1212.


Your name

How do you write a letter of recommendation for a colleague?

In case your coworker is asking you to write him a letter of recommendation, you might be wondering how to go about it.

Take some time to go through this information carefully. You need to review what is involved in order to write an effective letter of recommendation. before writing a recommendation, check to see if your company has a policy on whether letters of recommendation must be written on company letterhead.

After it, introduce yourself and tell about your professional relationship. It will help the recipient if they can see that you are more than just an acquaintance. Then, talk about your colleague's strengths. Be specific in your examples and avoid generalities. If you can, try to quantify their achievements. For instance, if they increased sales by 20%, mention that fact.

It is preferable to write about your coworker`s accomplishments at work. However, if you have personal experience with them that is relevant to the position they are applying for, you may include that information as well. Just make sure it is clear how their personal qualities will benefit them in the professional realm.

Tell how helpful your colleague will be for a new company or institution. Finish by restating your good wishes for their future success. Here is a sample:



I'm glad to hear that my colleague is looking for a new opportunity and I'm honored that they have asked me to write a letter of recommendation on their behalf.

As I am sure you are aware, I have worked closely with them for the past two years. During that time, they have demonstrated many strengths that would be an asset to any organization. Specifically, they are very talented in...(give specific examples)...and they are always willing to go the extra mile for their clients/co-workers.

Their work ethic is second to none and they are always looking for ways to improve their skills. In addition, they are a great team player and truly care about the success of their colleagues.

I'm confident that they would be an excellent addition to your organization and I wish them all the best in their future endeavors.



(Your name)

Remember, that a good recommendation letter should include information on who you are, your relationship with the individual you're recommending, why they're qualified, and the talents they possess. Specifics are always preferable when possible since it shows how much you care.

What should not be included in a letter of recommendation?

A letter of recommendation should not include negative information about the individual. It's important to remember that you're writing this letter in order to help them, not hurt their chances of getting the job. If you have any concerns about their qualifications or character, it's best to address these issues privately with the person rather than putting them in a letter. Additionally, avoid discussing salary information or any other confidential details about the company.

So, you should avoid the following:

  • Negative comments about the individual
  • Concerns about their qualifications or character
  • Discussing salary information
  • Any other confidential details about the company

Is it permissible to compose your own letter of recommendation?

Simply express your appreciation and gratitude to the individual you asked for their time, be professional, and move on to ask others for a letter of recommendation. If you don't have the time or confidence in writing your own letter of recommendation, you are not required to do so. You could ask a friend or family member to write a letter on your behalf. So, no matter what, make sure to write a polite and professional letter.